Brad KC3EDQ writes:
I will be hosting a go kit workshop Jan 21, 2017 @ 10am Radio room in Pancake, 1696 Maiden St, Washington, PA 15301
The goal is to help anyone who wants to put a kit together whether it be for emergencies or casual portable use. Bring whatever you have for your kit. I will be bringing my own tooling and supplies. However, you will be responsible for your own supplies.
You don’t even need to be putting a kit together. If you’re interested, come and ask questions, bounce ideas around, and check out what everyone else is doing. This workshop would also be helpful for SOTA, campers, portable deep woods ops, etc.
We will be discussing, but not limited to
- weight savings
- power options
- antennas
- size restrictions
- transceiver options
- enclosures
- etc
This date is weather pending!! If the weather goes bad, then the workshop will be rescheduled for the following Sat, same time, same location
All are welcome whether or not you are building a go kit.
If you have any questions,
bradmccarrell$@yahoo$.com (Remove the dollar signs)
Brad McCarrell KC3EDQ
I hope to attend. WPA needs more activities such as this one. Great idea!