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On The Air
Operating events, nets, contests, special event stations
Announcing: 2025 WPA Spring SET – April 5
Let’s start planning for the WPA Spring Simulated Emergency Test scheduled for Saturday, April 5th. The focus this year is on providing communications support for a wide-scale evacuation event, like…
WPA Digital Voice Net Format
QST QST QST -- This is <your call> , net control calling the Western Pennsylvania Digital Voice Net. This net meets every Wednesday evening on the 31422 Western PA DMR Talk…
WPA Digital Voice Net Format
QST QST QST — This is _, net control calling the Western Pennsylvania Digital Voice Net. This net meets every Wednesday evening on the 31422 Western PA DMR Talk ativan…
Temporary Rule Waivers Announced for 2020 ARRL Field Day
05/28/2020With one month to go before 2020 ARRL Field Day, June 27 – 28, the ARRL Programs and Services Committee (PSC) has adopted two temporary rule waivers for the event:…
WPA Health & Wellness Net
Hello all HF operators! Since many of us are at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it has beensuggested that we begin a daily HF net to stay in touch…
New HF Net to begin Friday, November 1st
We are inviting all Hams from Pennsylvania and the surrounding States to join us for a wide area emergency communications and traffic net. We are bringing back a net which…
WPA Section News – August 18, 2019
2019 Simulated Emergency Test – October 5 Preparations are currently underway for this fall’s Simulated Emergency Test. This year the SET is on Saturday, October 5. Section ARES officials in…
2019 PA QSO Party
The 2019 Pennsylvania QSO Party will be held on October 12th and 13th. The bonus station will be K3SMT, commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Somerset Amateur Radio Club. Please…
Posts pagination
WPA Events
- Hurricane Watch Net Turning 60, Seeking Net Control Operators
- Training the Next Generation of Net Controllers
- Propagation Update
- Learning Opportunity - On the Air Live: “How to Use Your Handheld Radio”
- Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act Re-Introduced
- Long Time Ham Radio Outlet Employee Honored for 60 Years in Amateur Radio
- NCJ North American CW Sprint is This Weekend
- ARRL Teachers Institute a Success on Staten Island
- The ARRL Solar Report
- Changes in the ARRL Utah Section