The first position at the door is a combined HF, VHF, UHF Amateur Radio position as well as Aircraft, Marine, Citizens Band and a VHF public safety channel. The Ham operator is also controlling those additional communications assets. The position computer has two Signal link interfaces to both HF and U/V stations as well a dual installations of Fldigi to provide all digital modes. This computer is also on the internal command network to allow message relay to other positions as well as printer for hardcopy. This position can also access internet via the multi wireless carrier router and the on board Ku band up/down link satellite system. This gives the ham radio asset full connectivity. The position has multiple antenna systems available which includes a “Tilebar” HF roof antenna, automatic antenna tuner, “sloper wire” from roof port to top of 43 Ft pneumatic mast, mast mounted fan dipole for HF, Mast mounted VHF and UHF verticals.
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We have formed a 92-2 team within the WACOM Club that are trained to deploy and support the vehicle when requested by WCDPS, similar to a VFD but instead a “VECOMD”, volunteer emergency communication department!! Have about 25 members with Region 13 badges, cleared to access the command post.
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This activity is supported by the WCDPS for numerous events where communications services are required beyond public safety channels. The group is involve in most of the county public events, parades, runs, walkathons, festivals. We use these as training events for the ham radio community. The command center is also used during Field day and the WACOM Hamfest where it is also available for operators to train and gain hands on experience. A WCDPS trailer mounted generator is also provide for these two events providing a training secession on generator operation and safety.
There is also an Amateur Position within the EOC at WCDPS.
We are starting a similar relationship with North Strabane Township where we will have a full fixed station and a full station in their new Emergency Management Mobile Command vehicle. We currently have U/V capability in their all terrain rescue vehicle. This relationship was developed with NS EMA, Rob Balogh KB3ZUS, Director and Township Supervisor.
More info available as needed. We need to get this relationship going in other counties within the section!!!
– Dennis R. Presky K3PSP, WPA TC