It’s time to start planning for this fall’s Simulated Emergency Test. This year the SET is on Saturday, October 5. Initial plans are for a scalable exercise, adding additional served agencies as the SET progresses. There will be a need for each participating county to establish HF communication with other participants in different locations, and an ARESMAT team from each district to report to assist operations in another location. The focus is on interoperability with other ARES teams, and serving several agencies simultaneously as would be done in an actual disaster.

The next hamfests will be at Wattsburg on July 13 where we will hold the annual Northwest District Meeting, and Somerset on July 21 where we will hold the Southeast District Meeting. Hope to see you there!

Once again we will meet on 60 meters on 5403.5 kilo-Hertz upper sideband. If that channel is in use, we will use 5371.5 USB. Even if your equipment cannot transmit on the 60 meter band, please tune in and listen, then send me a report of the stations you heard, and your signal report for each.

Our WPA Digital Voice Net meets Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm on talk group 31422. What better way for us in “Friendly Western PA” to enjoy our friendships while sharpening our technical skills! See you there!
73 and Press ON!
Joe W3BC