WPA Section Manager 2022 Field Day Message
Happy Field Day! Today and tomorrow, June 25th and 26th will see many accutane clubs and individuals out in the field, setting up stations as we would during emergency operations. I encourage you and your group to invite public safety officials and the media to your site to gain an appreciation of amateur radio in action. Don’t forget to send a Radiogram, email, winlink mail or text message via amateur radio to me at w3bc@arrl.org for your 200 point bonus.
The traffic soma net frequency is 3917 megahertz, and will be in use by the Third Region Net, Eastern PA Net and Western PA Phone Traffic Net from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm, and we strongly encourage all stations to allow them the use of the frequency during those times.
Have a safe and enjoyable Field Day and Good Luck!
Hamfest Season is here, and several are already scheduled.
- The Pennsylvania State ARRL Convention will be held at the Harrisburg Firecracker Hamfest, Saturday, July 2nd at the Harrisburg Postal Service Shooting Range.
- The Northwest PA Hamfest will be held on Saturday, July 9 by the Wattsburg Wireless Association in Erie County at the club facility.
- The Somerset Hamfest will be held on Sunday, July 10 at the Somerset County Career and Technology Center.
- The Chambersburg Hamfest is slated for Saturday, July 30 at the Antique Engine and Machinery showgrounds on Crider Church Road, St Thomas.
- The 72nd Annual Uniontown Gabfest is scheduled for Saturday, August 13 at the W3PIE Clubhouse and grounds.
- The Skyview Swap N Shop is scheduled for Sunday, August 28 at the Clubhouse and grounds.
- The Butler County Hamfest will be held on Sunday, September 11 at the Unionville Fire Department on Mahood Road.
Are you ready for prednisone severe summer weather? Thunderstorms and tornadoes are not uncommon in Western Pennsylvania. These very destructive forces of nature can affect your community, and you may be an important communications link to the outside world… IF you and your equipment survive the event.
Before the storm strikes, make plans and preparations to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and secure, and protect your ability to get on the air after the storm has passed.
Also, if your county’s ARES group was activated for stromectol a weather net or to assist with flood recovery, please send your report to your District Emergency Coordinator who will forward them to our Section Emergency Coordinator.
Have a nice weekend!
73 and Press ON!
From Joe, W3BC
Western Pennsylvania Section Manager