It’s time, once again for the 10 meter band to host the Breezeshooters Ground Wave Contest. It is a three weekend deal, with Digital, CW and Phone activities. Please note: Novices and Technicians are welcome too, and may LEGALLY operate in the PSK, Phone and CW events!
Here’s more information from Chuck W3ON…
Just a brief reminder, the first of three Breezeshooters Ten Meter Band Ground Wave Contests are fast approaching. The first Breezeshooters Ground Wave Contest is this Saturday evening, January 21st from 8pm to midnight ET. The first one is the digital mode PSK31. The Breezeshooters Ground Wave Contests usually fall on the 3rd Saturday evening of the months of January, February, and March. This year they are:
- January 21 PSK31 Digital mode. Suggested frequencies: Centered around 28.120 MHz.
- February 18 CW mode. CW portion of the Ten Meter band.
- March 18 SSB mode in the phone mode portions of the Ten Meter Band.
Time: 8pm to midnight ET for all contests.
Where: Ten Meter Band within specific portions of the ten meter band, depending on operating mode.
- January 21 PSK31 Digital mode contest.
- February 18 CW mode contest.
- March 18 SSB contest.
The communications exchange between stations is:
CALL SIGN and GRID Square Number. The GRID Square is based on a specific local geographic area location. The participant can determine their Grid Square number from the enclosed map in the attachment. As an example if you are in Allegheny County the Grid Square is most likely 25. Please note this contest Grid Square is not the same as used in various VHF/UHF contest, such as falls in the format FN00xx. It is a two digit number numbered from 1 to 49.
You can download a copy of the Breezeshooters Ground Contest Rules and Log here:
I sure hope that you can take the time to dust off your HF radio equipment, and get on the air. All Breezeshooters Ground Wave Log Entries must be submitted by April 10, 2017 to:
Breezeshooters Ground Wave Contest
PO Box 101018
Pittsburgh, PA 15237.
The Breezeshooters also have a weekly radio net on Monday evenings at 9pm ET on 28.480 MHz. This net has been in operation for a very long time, and is quite popular with the local area ham radio operators. For more information you can look on their web site
73 de Chuck W3ON