Western Pennsylvania Section News
June 5, 2017
Section Convention Recap
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The Western Pennsylvania Section Convention was held on Sunday, June 4th at the Breezeshooters Hamfest. The facilities were set up at the Big Butler Fairground, west of the City of Butler. Reports are that over 1,500 were in attendance at the Breezeshooters Hamfest. I would like to thank the Breezeshooters Amateur Radio Club, the Butler County Fair Committee, Keynote Speaker, Mike Corey KI1U from ARRL HQ, Atlantic Division Director Tom Abernethy W3TOM, our Western Pennsylvania Section Staff, ARRL DX Card Checkers, and most of all, all the radio amateurs who attended this event and those who helped promote it.
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The forums were well attended, and had much of interest for everybody. The presenters were available all day for questions and answers, and we had a very busy day at the ARRL Exhibit in the main hall.
Comments have been pouring in, and many people write to say that the forums got them thinking about ideas they can take back to their local groups. Mike Corey’s presentation struck a chord with our Section ARES personnel, and his discussion about upcoming changes in ARES fit right in with our own increasing public service activities. His PowerPoint™ presentation cn be found on the WPA Section ARES Website, wpa-arrl.org/ares.

Our ARRL Exhibit featured three DXCC Card Checkers, who can now confirm QSLs for 160 meter QSOs! Also, we took your advice and put our banner up high so everybody could find us with ease!
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Speaking of banners, I was pleased to see our ARRL Flag flying near the entrance to the Forum building. Also this year, Mother Nature cooperated and held off the rain until later in the day.
All in all, it was a great event, and I was very impressed with the number of you who stopped by to say hello to our ARRL leaders. We always like to be of service, and you gave us many opportunities to help you get the services you need!
Field Day is In The Air!
Mark your calendars for June 24 and 25th. The biggest event in Amateur Radio takes place all over the country. Yes, it’s the annual ARRL Field Day, and your local groups need your participation. Our ARRL WPA Section staff will be making the rounds to various Field Day sites. It’s not too late to request a visit — send email to me at sm@wpa-arrl.org and I’ll do my best to make arrangements.
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Also, if your group is operating in a public location, be sure to put your information onto the big Field Day map at the ARRL website: http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator
Get On The Air
Field Day Rules allow — and encourage — Field Day Stations operating in public places with two or more transmitters to provide an additional operating station as a “GOTA” station for new hams, and those who haven’t been on the air recently to get the HF experience. I remember Field Day when I was new, and I had so much fun I wished it would never end. If you feel as I do, I encourage you to share the fun with others this year, and make the effort to establish a GOTA station. Your local new hams will thank you!
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If you’re looking for the rules and Field Day supplies, visit the ARRL website for all your Field Day Needs! http://arrl.org/field-day
Bonus Points
Everybody likes a good deal, and your group can earn bonus points for many things. Here are some easy ones that too many people don’t try. Do these and you can get up to an additional 1,000 points or more FOR FREE!
- 100% Emergency Power — 100 points per transmitter (up to 20)!
- Media Publicity — 100 points. Send out those Press Releases!
- Public Location — 100 points!
- Public Information Table — Welcome the guests and get 100 points!
- Formal Message to Section Manager — Send me a Radiogram (or ICS-213) during Field Day and get 100 Points! Attention: All stations please give the Third Region Net and the WPA Phone and Traffic Net some elbow room on 7.243 and 3.983 on Saturday afternoon!
- Copy the W1AW Special FD Bulletin — 100 points!
Brag a Little!
Take pictures and send them to me for publication here. Submit them with names of the people in them to ARRL when you send in your summaries, and they might get published in QST! Let’s put WPA on the map!!!
Upcoming Events
In our WPA Section, there’s ALWAYS a lot going on! Why not get out of the shack and visit some of these?!
06/17/2017Start Date: 06/17/2017
End Date: 06/17/2017
Location: Cumberland Valley Engine & Machinery Association (CVEMA) Show Grounds
1501 Criders Church Road
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Website: www.w3ach.org
Sponsor: Cumberland Valley Amateur Radio Club
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Talk-In: 147.12 (PL 100)
Public Contact: Ray Smith , N3TWU
27 N. Queen St. Shippensburg, PA 17257
Phone: 717-377-3550
Email: raysmith@pa.net
Somerset County PA Hamfest
07/02/2017Start Date: 07/02/2017
End Date: 07/02/2017
Location: Somerset County Technology Center
281 Technology Drive
Somerset, PA 15501
Sponsor: Somerset County Amateur Radio Club (K3SMT)
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Talk-In: 147.195 (PL 123.0)
Public Contact: Stewart Saylor , AK3J
156 Sequoia Drive Friedens, PA 15541
Phone: 814-444-0637
2017 NW PA Hamfest
07/08/2017Start Date: 07/08/2017
End Date: 07/08/2017
Location: Greene Township Municipal Building
9333 Tate Road
Erie, PA 16501
Website: http://www.wattsburg-wireless.us/hamfest.htm
Sponsor: Wattsburg Wireless Association
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Talk-In: None
Public Contact: Neal Proper , WB3EQC
4039 Ridge Parkway Erie, PA 16510
Phone: 814-882-2739
Email: nlproper@verizon.net