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South-1 District Meeting

Scheduled Amateur Radio Emergency Service Events Hamfest Learning WPA Section News
114 Southpointe Blvd, Canonsburg Pa 15317 Map

The South-1 District meeting will take place at the WACOM Hamfest New Improved Location!

When: Sunday, November 4th, 2018
Time: 12:30PM-3PM
Where: Printscape Arena at Southpointe, 114 Southpointe Blvd, Canonsburg Pa 15317 (Exit 48 off Interstate 79)

The District Meeting follows the hamfest.


District Meeting Topics

Greetings and Introductions

ARES Update including ARESConnect and the Public Service Enhancement program

WPA Section activity reports

Club Leadership topics

Youth Activities report

Section Staff reports, Q&A

Our WPA District Meetings, lika all WPA Section activities are open to all WPA radio amateurs and the public. You are invited to attend and participate!





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