Heads Up: Severe Weather Risk Thursday
From: Fred Mcmullen – NOAA Federal fred.mcmullen@noaa.gov
Date: 5/22/19 8:18 AM

Ham Operators,
We are monitoring the potential for a line of strong to severe thunderstorms moving through the region during the afternoon and evening hours. Please report down trees, hail (penny size or larger), funnel clouds to the National Weather Service in Pittsburgh by calling 800-242-0510 or reporting using our online page found here.
Thanks for your service!
Fred McMullen
Warning Coordination Meteorologist
National Weather Service Pittsburgh
412-262-1591 ext 223
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Note: If your observation is for Erie or Crawford County, please send your report to the Cleveland NWS office.
If your observation is for the Southeast District (S-2) or Northeast District (N-2) please send your observation to the State College NWS office.
- Jefferson County is covered by the Pittsburgh NWS office
- Warren County is covered by the State College NWS Office
Request for Info: QRM From Home Solar Panel Systems
Crawford County ARES Emergency Coordinator Jamie Tolbert WW3O is asking for information regarding RF Noise caused by Solar Panel electrical generation systems in our WPA Section. While the panels do not generate appreciable noise by themselves, some power charging and regulating systems have been the subject of numerous reports and FCC complaints about RF emissions in the HF amateur bands. Harmonics from the switching systems in the HF bands are spaced every 40 kHz, with a strong (S7 or more) signal that drifts or is otherwise unstable in frequency, and is most noticeable during the hours of sunlight. Interference has been reported as far as 450 feet from the source, and at levels strong enough to disrupt normal amateur radio communications.
Of particular interest to Jamie would be reports of interference (or a clean bill of health) for systems in our WPA Section that are installed on yours or a neighbor’s residence. He is particularly looking for info on a company called “addstarpower.com”, which he believes is based in Westmoreland county. They are installing a whole roof solar array on the house across the street from him, and he is concerned about RFI. He is wondering if anyone else in WPA has heard of them, and if they have an installation near them?
As the popularity of these systems is growing, it is important for us to be watchful and report any interference observed in our HF bands immediately, along with any information you may have on manufacture, brand, model and installers, to our WPA Interference Committee at
73 and Press On!
Joe W3BC