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WPA Amateur Radio Emergency Service

Bud Plants N3TIR, Section Emergency Coordinator

The Mission of the WPA Amateur Radio Emergency Service™ is to get the message through by providing excellent communications assistance, planning and coordination on behalf of partner agencies, the people and the communities we serve throughout Western Pennsylvania.

Our Section Emergency Coordinator and local Emergency Coordinators are responsible for developing training, plans and procedures to coordinate and deploy teams of qualified, well-trained, volunteer amateur radio operators and equipment to provide reliable and robust communications in times of need, to provide specialized communications services to the public, and to accurately and efficiently transfer messages.

Announcing: 2025 WPA Spring SET - April 5

LoadingLet’s start planning for the WPA Spring Simulated Emergency Test scheduled for Saturday, April 5th. The focus this year is on providing communications support for a wide-scale evacuation event, like…Read More »

Western Pennsylvania Section News — 24 June 2020

LoadingWestern Pennsylvania Section News – 24 June 2020 Field Day is this weekend. Please put safety first, and don’t take chances with anyone’s health. If you requested an ARRL official…Read More »

Watch for Tower Site Vandalism

The following is from the Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center:“The Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center (PaCIC) is requesting information on any incident involving vandalism or other damage to communications towers or other…Read More »

Breaking News - HB 37

Pennsylvania House Bill 37 was amended on January 14, removing existing exemptions for Amateur Radio (and other licensed radio service) mobile use by drivers of motor vehicles. The bill is…Read More »

WPA ARES Net SM Message - 21 December 2019

LoadingHoliday Gretings to everyone. Wishing all the best to you and your loved ones this holiday season. Good health, good cheer, and good DX to one and all! === Many…Read More »

WPA ARES Net SM Message 14DEC19

LoadingRemember the Pennsylvania Fone Net, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:00 pm, on 160 meters on a frequency of 1910 kc === Our WPA Digital Voice net is held…Read More »

Fayette County EC Featured in Local News

Eddie Misiewicz, KB3YRU, of Perryopolis was featured on the front page of the Tuesday, October 8th edition of Uniontown’s own Herald-Standard. You can read the article online to see what…Read More »

Allegheny County ARES: Organization Meeting - Sept 21 at Red Cross

All Allegheny County ARES members, and those interested in ARES are invited to the Allegheny County ARES Organization Meeting on Saturday, September 21 from 12 noon to 3:00 pm. The…Read More »

Allegheny County Gets New ARES Emergency Coordinator

We are happy to announce that Bob Mente NU3Q has been appointed to be the new Allegheny County ARES Emergency Coordinator. Bob is well known for his work coordinating public…Read More »

WPA Section News - August 18, 2019

2019 Simulated Emergency Test – October 5 Preparations are currently underway for this fall’s Simulated Emergency Test. This year the SET is on Saturday, October 5. Section ARES officials in…Read More »

Older Entries »

WPA ARES Directory

The most recent edition of this directory may always be found at https://wpa-arrl.org/ares/directory and downloaded as a PDF file here: https://wpa-arrl.org/Files/WPA-ARES-Directory.pdf

Effective: 2023-03-30

Northwest District

Mark P. Benson KM3P
WPA Northwest District Emergency Coordinator

Emergency Coordinator Frequencies Operations
Clarion Co clarion@wpa-arrl.org 146.55 sx
147.075+ 110.9
Thursday 2015 146.550 sx
Crawford Co Jamie Tolbert WW3S
147.57 sx
145.130- 186.2
Sunday 2100 145.130- 186.2
Erie Co Dave Wellman WX3E
Assistant Section Manager
147.54 sx
146.730- 186.2
Sunday 2100 146.610- / 146.820- / 146.700- 186.2
Forest Co forest@wpa-arrl.org 147.54 sx
145.490- 186.2
Lawrence Co Michael Varga NR3C
147.54 sx
444.175+ 131.8
Thursday 2000 444.175+ 131.8
Mercer County Michael Varga NR3C
146.55 sx
145.350- 186.2
Venango Co venango@wpa-arrl.org 146.58 sx
145.230- 186.2
Warren Co Dave Wellman WX3E
Assistant Section Manager
146.55 sx
145.270- 186.2
Northwest Dist 145.590 Alt

Effective: 2023-03-30

Northeast District

Kevin Snyder KA3YCB
WPA Northeast District Emergency Coordinator

Emergency Coordinator Frequencies Operations
Cameron Co cameron@wpa-arrl.org 147.54 sx
147.180+ 173.8
Sunday 2100 147.180+ 173.8
Centre Co Carmine Prestia K3CWP
Assistant Section Manager
147.57 sx
146.850- 146.2
147.105+ DMR
Sunday 2100 146.850- o
Clearfield Co clearfield@wpa-arrl.org 146.55 sx
146.315+ 173.8
Clinton Co clinton@wpa-arrl.org 146.58 sx
147.360+ 173.8
Elk Co elk@wpa-arrl.org 147.57 sx
442.200+ 173.8
Sunday 2000 147.000, 2030 442.200
Jefferson Co Steve Waltman KB3FPN
146.58 sx
146.865- 173.8
Monday 2000 146.865- 173.8
McKean Co mckean@wpa-arrl.org 146.58 sx
147.240+ 173.8
Sunday 2030 147.240+ 173.8
Potter Co potter@wpa-arrl.org 146.55 sx
146.685- 173.8
Northeast Dist 145.51 Alt

Effective: 2023-03-30

Southwest District

Terence Nemitz KA3UTD
WPA Southwest District Emergency Coordinator

Emergency Coordinator   Frequencies   Operations
Allegheny Co Robert Mente NU3Q
146.55 sx 147.090+ 88.5 Wednesday 2100 147.090+ 88.5
Armstrong Co armstrong@wpa-arrl.org 147.54 sx 145.410- 173.8 Monday 2000 145.410- 173.8
Beaver Co Domenic J Bedolatti N3EJL
146.58 sx 146.850- 131.8 Monday 2030 146.850- 131.8
Butler Co Bill Hastings KB3TBT
147.57 sx 147.300+ 131.8
443.900+ 131.8
ACS Information Digital Training Net 1st and 3rd Wednesday 1945
Fayette Co fayette@wpa-arrl.org 147.57 sx
147.270+ 131.8
Tuesday 2000 147.270+ 131.8
(Alt 147.225+ 131.8)
SKYWARN Fri 2000 same freqs
Greene Co Tom Wright N3WS
146.55 sx 146.430+1 131.8 Tue 2030 146.790-/147.390+/ 147.285+/145.250-/147.315+131.8
Indiana Co Gary Miller KC3NHE
147.57 sx 146.745- 131.8
146.91- (bkup)
Monday 2000 146.745- 131.8
Washington Co Tom Wright N3WS
147.54 sx 146.790- 131.8 Tue 2030 146.790-/147.390+/ 147.285+/145.250-/147.315+131.8
Westmoreland Co Terence Nemitz KA3UTD
146.58 sx
147.180+ 131.8
Wed: 2100 147.180-, 21:30 442.275+,2030 146.640- all 131.8
Southwest Dist 145.530 Alt

Effective: 2023-03-30

Southeast District

Kevin Lear W3XOX
District Emergency Coordinator

Emergency Coordinator Frequencies Operations
Bedford Co bedford@wpa-arrl.org 147.57 sx
145.490- 123.0
Blair Co Kevin Lear W3XOX
146.58 sx
146.820- 123.0
Monday 2000 28.440 USB (10m)
Tuesday 2000 146.820- 123.0
Wednesday 2000 146.550 sx
Cambria Co Dave Hunter N3YFO
147.54 sx
146.940- 123.0
Sunday 2100 146.940- 123.0
Franklin Co Anthony Ogburn KB3WOX
146.58 sx
147.120+ 97.4
Sunday 2100 147.120+ 97.4
Fulton Co fulton@wpa-arrl.org 147.54 sx
145.250- 118.8
Huntingdon Co huntingdon@wpa-arrl.org 146.55 sx
146.700- 123.0
Sunday 2030 146.700- / 145.310- 123.0
Mifflin Co mifflin@wpa-arrl.org 147.54 sx
146.910- 123.0
Somerset Co somerset@wpa-arrl.org 146.55 sx
147.195+ 123.0
Sunday 1930 147.195+ / 443.250+ 123.0
Southeast Dist 145.59 Alt SE District Net: 1st Thursday 2000 147.150+ 167.9

Effective: 2023-03-30


WPA Nets

WPA Nets

WPA ARES Voice Net Saturday 0900, Prevailing Eastern Time 3.983 MHz, LSB - Primary Frequency 7.272 MHz, LSB - Alternate Frequency [Spider_Calendar id="2" theme="14" default="month" select="month,list,week,day,"]   2017 WPA ARES NET CONTROL...

ARES Forms

The following ARES forms are to be used for monthly reports. Once you download a form, open it in Acrobat Reader (or any other PDF viewer that permits filling forms) and fill in the blanks. When finished, you may print the form for your records. Save...

WPA ARES Directory

WPA ARES Directory The most recent edition of this directory may always be found at https://wpa-arrl.org/ares/directory and downloaded as a PDF file here: https://wpa-arrl.org/Files/WPA-ARES-Directory.pdf Effective: 2023-03-30 Northwest...


3 Replies to “WPA ARES”

  1. Anonymous

    As we at this time have no RO at our club , I
    would like to have my call added to the Sunday morning 3.990.5 western pa races net for Greene Co.I recently retired and now have time on Sundays to commit….Thank you….KC8GOJ Roger Swanson Please add me to the roster

  2. Anonymous

    The pdf link on the WPA ARES pdf download is “Forbidden”

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